On September 29th, Seattle Adaptive Sports hosted an event for new athletes to try out power soccer for the first time. Coaching staff from Power Soccer PDX graciously lent their experience and equipment. We are grateful to Move United for providing funding to make this opportunity possible. View photos from the day below or on our flickr page.
Irene Chauncey on
October 12, 2024
Hello, Are you going to host another Try-it session this year? I’d be very interested!
nweiss on
October 23, 2024
Hi Irene,
We do not have another try-it event on the calendar yet. We are working on securing program chairs that can be used by anyone in our community. If you would like to chat about opportunities we have available, please reach out to nick@seattleadaptivesports.org. Thanks!
Hello, Are you going to host another Try-it session this year? I’d be very interested!
Hi Irene,
We do not have another try-it event on the calendar yet. We are working on securing program chairs that can be used by anyone in our community. If you would like to chat about opportunities we have available, please reach out to nick@seattleadaptivesports.org. Thanks!